I hope all is well in your world!
I’ve once again joined the SIMS Foundation event committee for this year’s Heart of the City: A Celebration of the Cosmic Cowboy on Dec 2 at Emo’s Austin. I’m posting to see if you’d be interested in being part of this annual event that benefits SIMS Foundation and the Austin music family. SIMS provides life-saving mental health and addiction recovery services to Austin musicians, music industry professionals, and their family members and has been around for 23 years!
The SIMS Foundation hosts the Heart of the City event each year to raise awareness and funds for mental health services. SIMS connects over 600 musicians, music industry professionals, and their family members each year to high-quality, hassle-free mental health and substance use disorder services. SIMS helps musicians develop healthy relationships, strong coping skills for stress, tools to tackle depression, and navigates those with substance use problems along a safe pathway to sobriety.
This year’s show pays tribute to 1972, when Willie Nelson brought the hippies and the cowboys together on one stage to play psychedelic country music. The diverse line up and all-star house band (including RajiWorld client Warren Hood) will surely kill it with original takes on outlaw country classics. Performers include Kelley Mickwee, Charlie Mars, James Petralli of White Denim, Carrie Rodriguez, Monte Warden, Warren Hood, Rosie Flores, David Grissom, Jonathan Terrell, newcomer John Baumann, and a special tribute by Martie Maguire of the Dixie Chicks.
Get a feel for the event from last year’s show with this quick, 1-minute video: Heart of the City 2016
Feel free to reach out to me if you are interested or if you have any questions. I hope you will join me! Roggie 512 554 4004