The answer is ME! In our ever-evolving world I continue to hold what is dear to me close like health and family and friends and I support the businesses I have faith in due to their practices, people, politics and protocols during this time and always.
I lost all of my brand new work with Circuit of The America’s as well as all of my client’s bookings for weddings, corporate events, festivals and weekly local shows in about 48 hours last month (as did so many in our industry and now most industries).
My mother and those who know me well have often joked about my ability to walk the line between high-society and nature, manual labor and red carpets and they are right. My arsenal is varied and unique and my greatest survival skill. So, while we wait and see where we land as a world with respect to the economy and entertainment business, the arts and being social, I am taking care as I do which includes plenty of happy thoughts, deep conversations, healthy homemade food , sleep, dog-walks and my ever-present Thieves Oil products. To make a little extra money to cover all I have lost and to share with my friends all over the planet the product I have used for decades I have joined the Young Living family.
If you have ever worked an event with me or attended one of my VIP backstages then you already know how I adore and trust Thieves as it is the basis for the sprays I make! Now you can purchase your own along with the entire and vast healthy line of essential oils from Young Living.. I am available to answer questions and take your orders at any time as I really hope that my friends in every corner of the globe can turn to something they feel good about using and sharing with their families and friends.
Be safe, be hopeful, have faith and please accept a big virtual hug from me!
Love, Roggie