As my favorite “thing” is to discover, learning something new that pertains to me is like a double scoop. Today I learned and confirmed that my website does not exactly explain WHAT I do! As I have been blessed to have chosen a field in which there are more potential clients than I can handle and one where I have never needed to advertise I assumed that anyone coming to my website knew “who I was”! How silly. Please let’s start from the beginning. I would like to introduce myself and tell you what I do and why I love it so much.
RajiWorld began as highly creative solution to the lack of solid developing artist representation that I detected while in college booking the largest student run festival in the country at UA. Spring Fling served 100,000 students and the Tucson community with the top MTV bands at the time (late 80′s/early 90′s). RajiWorld is now a taste-making full service booking agency specializing in booking tours in an ever changing world and successfully producing turn-key events with an emphasis on lifestyle marketing, preserving musical history and shining the light on future trends matched with green solutions and hand-curated sponsors. RajiWorld proudly represents musical pioneers, darlings of the stage and screen, a circus and giant mechanically engineered bike animals, spiritual advisors, speakers, special-effects make up artists, hairdressers, costume designers, builders, teen bands and award-winning, best selling authors, storytellers, poets and songwriters, garage bands, rock bands, soul bands and more. It’s sister company Compass – SS was created around “Joining the Best of Two Worlds” by developing partnerships between the creative arts and innovative businesses. Clients include the AMF’s Hall of Fame Texas Party, The Cherrywood Art Fair and The SIMS Foundation. I enjoy being a mentor, speaker and Intern partner with several college music programs and most of all, I enjoy discovering new talent and connecting it to the right fans, media, venues and sponsors!