Virtual Black Fret Ball this Saturday, December 12th, at 7pm CT streaming on! There’ll be performances from all of our 2020 nominees and *$160,000* in grants given to them. Why not get dressed up and have some fun with it from home? ⧓ ?

We can reminisce about shows from the past or we can make the most of what we have now (which is all we really ever have anyway:)

A Virtual Awards Ceremony is a Great Morale Booster

Let’s dress up and toast our peers from the safety and comfort of our home? We’re all prisoners to the couch these days. We all miss each other! If we have to be apart, let’s make an effort to make it fun.

I have so much respect for this year’s nominees. I have heard from many of them and they each have creative ideas on staying present and vibrant in this current space we share. Tune in and learn more.

Our shared vision is to build an endowed institution capable of sustaining over a million dollars a year in grants to the finest musicians in cities around the world. To achieve that we’re looking for a limited group of dedicated local music fans to become members.

Over the next decade we will fund hundreds of exceptional bands to create thousands of new songs while building a new institution capable of supporting the sustained artistic, cultural and economic growth of our cities (currently Austin and Seattle) and the artists who call our cities home. We hope you will join us in building a legacy of beautiful music.