Firstly. Please help me congratulate Akina for her song placement in the popular TV show Walker, You can catch her song, “Broke,” on the CW! It’s the penultimate episode of the season (called “Bygones”), airing this Thurs. 4/28 at 8/7c
Next, we are thrilled to take part in a new series at TRACE at The W Hotel in Austin.
Bring your friends every Wednesday, 6-8pm, for live music in the Living Room from artists we love, benefiting a different music-focused nonprofit each month.
May’s nonprofit partner is HAAM. Many Austin musicians are self-employed and have no access to health insurance or basic healthcare. That’s where HAAM comes in. HAAM provides access to affordable healthcare for greater Austin’s low-income, working musicians, with a focus on prevention and wellness.
To learn more about HAAM visit: https://www.myhaam.org …So thrilled to have client Akina Adderley take part in this wownderful new brainchild of Sarah K. Wolf. When Health Alliance for Austin Musicians – HAAM calls for anything we answer and we hope that you will too!