RajiWorld plus one is proud to present another episode of “Music Business Charm School” with my beloved friend and DJ Francisco and with the professional assistance of Stage Manager and friend Ari Nisman who owns Degy International the future of touring colleges and military bases, bringing music and creative ideas to the masses.
And now onto the music:)
This new family I was subconsciously building took my breath away musically while connecting to my core beliefs that we can be ourselves and inspire others through our natural gifts was manifested when I heard VINX. I was thrilled to learn that (my CH crush), multi-instrumentalist Al Berry shared my feelings about Vinx… As an Austin girl I remember this moment and love the juxtaposition of that kind of playing in a true believer...It is rare to be evolved and down home simultaneously!
D. Bottz is the big brother every girl wishes for in this crazy biz. He is hard working and wildly productive while connecting with new artists and finding their magic. Katrina Blackstone is the slumber-party guest I always wanted for my middle-school sleepovers….so it was cool to find out she lives right down the street now to where I did then! She is mystical, brilliant, funny and sings like the bird you follow all day to learn secrets! We will pick one lucky audience member for a live reading on stage!
In my favorite daily “room”, I discovered the exact kind of bands I would have discovered with no quarantine in place. THANK YOU to Francisco and his team of bad-ass and charming dolls for allowing me the platform to discover Joe The Lobster and Of Sea and Storm.
In a world of his own (and ya’ll know I love that!) is DPAK Robot of Robot Nature who I heard speak (nearly in tongues) on just one of his other passions. I am proud to introduce a true renaissance man!