Tag: Danny B Harvey


RajiWorld longtime friend, client, and author Pamela Des Barres was recently featured in this month’s issue of Guitar Player.

For those who don’t know! Roggie and Pamela have been friends for so long that when Roggie met Pamela, she was just a college student booking for her school. Even more magically, day she met Pamela she also met 3 other lifelong best friends and gained two lifetime clients: Danny B Harvey of the 69 Cats and RajiWorld collaborator Polly Parsons.

 Pamela’s most famous book titled,  I’m With the Band, has been credited with frightening a 12 year old Jack White. In her article Pamela discusses this and the last time she saw Jack White perform.

Here’s a little preview of Pamela’s incredible writing. Its so descriptive, so emotional, I can’t help but get chills:

“I stood in awe for two hours while he almost ate his guitar. He chews it up real good, and spits it out like it’s in flames. He beats on it like a drum, tears at it like a piece of raw meat, attacks it like it’s hunting him down. He devours it like a hot chick he’s enamored with, and then throttles it like a jealous, lovestruck demon. He brings it to life, gives it wings and a soul. He caresses it, teases it, soothes it—then shreds it, ripping it open to reveal the wicked, divine potential that is always lurking in those 6 strings. I felt like I’d been involved in a 100-way orgy when he finally put the damn thing down. My heart was beating below my waist, I felt awakened, wildly alive, in tune and grateful for my eternal groupie soul. Oh so grateful that I can still feel the stinging blast from the stage like a kiss from All That Is Holy.” 

Read more here!


– Truly Julie