It is that time of year again! I was invited to take part in a very cool panel with some very admirable women. We would love your vote!! Just click on our link.
“Women with Integrity and Courage”
- How the challenges of pay inequity, sexual harassment, bribery, or slander were met and overcome by the panelists.
- How each panelist upheld her integrity throughout her career in the entertainment industry.
- Concrete solutions for women to act with integrity, strength, and courage in the entertainment industry in the 21st century.
- Elise Krentzel, CEO, EK Public Relations
- Cathleen Trigg-Jones, CEO, IWomantv
- Roggie Baer, CEO, RajiWorld LLC
- Thea Wood, Founder, Herizon Music Foundation
Elise Krentzel, CEO, EK Public Relations
Women in the entertainment industry have always had to fend for themselves. Those in the business today claim very little has truly changed since the 1970s regarding men’s attitudes. What has changed is the increasing number of strong, brave, and independent women taking charge. Whether on the corporate or artistic side or something in between. They persist! They resist. Even as the media obscenely shames, blames, and points a finger at women. They are busy creating a new 21st-century reality for themselves and generations to come. The discussion topic is Women Who Have Integrity and Courage in the Entertainment Industry.
SXSW values community input and involvement. The two-step online process PanelPickerĀ® was developed to encourage the SXSW community to enter proposals and have a significant voice in Conference programming.
Each year, the SX community enters session ideas and then grades each proposal during Community Voting. The SXSW staff and Advisory Boards also inform a significant percentage in determining the content lineup.
Cast Your Vote August 9-21
SXSW PanelPickerĀ® applications have closed for the 2023 SXSW Conference but you still have the opportunity to contribute to curating this year’s program.
Who knows what you want to see at SXSW better than you? During Community Voting from August 9-21, browse proposals, leave comments, and vote on sessions to help shape the 2023 Conference.