Tag: #livemusic

I Am Proud to Partner With Music In Common!!

Curating experiences for people to discover common ground through facilitated conversation and music

I am involved with a very cool project and would love to invite you to be a part of it with me. This is a free, non-ticketed, community event. I would like to fill the following and I would love to see you involved. 2024 marks the 20th annual FODfest. While the event has been happening as one-off events in select locations each year, we’re aiming to commemorate this milestone with our first FODfest tour since 2010, marking the return to the days of the event as a touring concert. 

Host or help organize a FODfest in your town. Our flagship concert started in a backyard and has taken place at a wide range of venues, conventional and otherwise, including coffee houses, community centers, theaters, living rooms, houses of worship, colleges, and even an olive grove, bomb shelter, and the National Mall to name a few. 

*Saturday, 10/5- Studio 9-North Adams, MA
Sunday, 10/6 – Coastal MA, Northampton, etc
Monday, 10/7- NH, Portland ME, Boston, Providence
Tuesday,  10/8 – NY, CT, NJ, PA
Wednesday,10/9 – NY, CT, NJ, PA
*Thursday, 10/10 – TBA DC
*Fri/Saturday, 10/11-12 – Unavailable
Sunday, 10/13 – MD, VA, NC
Monday, 1014  – NC, SC
Tuesday, 10/15 – TN
Wednesday, 10/16 – TN
Thursday, 10/17 – Ozarks
*Friday, 10/18- Unavailable
*Saturday, 10/19 Music on Main Street (MOMS)- Lilburn, GA
Tues, Wednesday, 10/22-23 – NoCA, Bay Area, SF, et al
Thursday, 10/24 – Central Coast, or inland Central
Friday, 10/25 – LA, Beaches, NoHo
Saturday, 10/26 – Orange County, San Diego, Palm Springs, Pioneertown

FODfest features local, regional, and national musicians in a unique format that is part concert, part song swap, and part jam session. It is real-time demonstration of the power of music to connect people, generating a sense of community, hope, and healing. FODfest (Friends of Danny Festival) honors the life of #DanielPearl, the Wall St. Journal reporter who was abducted and murdered by extremists in Pakistan shortly after 9-11. In addition to being an exceptional reporter, Danny was a fiercely talented musician who believed fervently in the power of music to connect people regardless of their differences. As he traveled the world, he’d seek out and sit in on local jam sessions as a way to connect with the local community and learn about their culture. 

Tech needs
Complete sound system that includes a minimum of:
Two main speakers with stands and cables 
Two floor monitors with cables (may not be needed for small spaces)
4 microphones with stands and cables
2 DI boxes with cables
For shows in larger spaces with more than 10 musicians, this would likely need to scale up
Sound person for any system larger than what’s listed here.
Not required, but would be good to know if there are projection capabilities or large flat screen TV available. If there are, we may consider opening the show with a screening of one of the two Music in Common documentary shorts (25 minute run time)

Load in & sound check
Minimum 2 hours before doors

Run of show (1.5 – 2 hours)
Intro & welcome: 10 minutes
POSSIBLY film screening: – 25 minutes
Concert: 75 – 90 minutes minutes with screening | 105 – 120 minutes without screening
POSSIBLY closing q&a: 15 minutes

FODfest embodies that spirit of connection and bringing people together through music. FODfest is produced by #MusicinCommon, an Atlanta-based, globally serving nonprofit that curates experiences for people across social divides to discover common ground through facilitated conversation and music. 

copyroggie@gmail.com – 512 554 4004