Tag: Retro Man Blog


The Fleshtones have been playing music for years -wait, make that DECADES! To someone who has been alive all of only two decades, this is quite the feat. Even with their constant rocking, some fans are still just getting the chance to see these rock legends for the first time! On June 3rd, at The Camden Underworld one dedicated fan of 30 years finally got to rock out with The Fleshtones. Read his full recap of the show, which he describes as a, “remarkable blur of multi-coloured energy,” on the Retro Man Blog 

Our hearts fill with glee when we are able to connect bands with dedicated fans to create an experience to last a life time. A young Roggie, reminds us of a conversation with her mom: “Regardless how big a band may be or how many shows they’ve played, there will always be new fans to be made and old fans who haven’t had the chance to see them.” How can we help you see your favorite RajiWorld Artist? Lets make memories to last a lifetime.


– Truly Julie