RajiWorld loves Nashville! I was blessed to be present again this year for one of my favorite tradition’s Manuel’s (81st) Birthday party. It featured The Mavericks and let me see many old friends like Alan Messer who reminded me that we met with Joe Ely not June Carter as I had remembered. In other Nashville: Carter news my dear friends Julie Christensen and Rosemarie Mincey raved about the new music history documentary The Winding Stream they had just seen. They were happy to see my name in the credits and I was again reminded that I have been asked several times to consult on a music related film. I love to be a connector and I hope to work in Nashville much more this upcoming year. Let us know about your projects and where we can help. RajiWorld matches art and fans and Compass – SS matches art and business and World Beauty reps the artists who make it all look good under the lights.